Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hugh Ross and Reasons to Believe: Embracing a unique set of core values

Hugh Ross Image Credit:

“To engage and quip.”

That was the mission Dr. Hugh Ross had in mind in forming Reasons to Believe, a Christian ministry organized to spread the Christian Gospel by demonstrating that sound reason and scientific research support confidence in the truth of the Bible and faith in the transcendent God revealed in both the Scripture and nature.

With this guidepost, he has gathered a team of leaders holding on to a solid set of core values or beliefs that makes them stand among the rest. Some of these features are as follows:

• A creation and ongoing development of a testable creation model for people to have steadfast faith in God;
• Honing apologetics for the sake of evangelization in order to fulfill the completion of the commission Christ assigned to his followers;

Hugh Ross Image Credit:

Dr. Hugh Ross founded Reasons to Believe in 1986.

• An effort in integrating God’s revelation both in the Scripture and nature;
• A high regard for both the Bible and science since the Scripture and nature come from the same source—God himself;
• Willingness and readiness to give logical reasons for people will always have questions and doubts; and
• A belief that intellectual engagement should lead to effective evangelism through a commitment to application of all things right, and not for the sake of winning arguments.

Hugh Ross Image Credit:

For more information on Dr. Hugh Ross and his ministry, visit this Twitter page.