Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Creating perfection: Did man create God?

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There are a lot of online conversations that talk about how instead of God creating man, it is man who created God by copying the main gods of the old polytheistic religions.

Reasons to Believe founder Hugh Ross, in this video, says that the idea of man creating God by copying the old, so-called gods is an absolute fallacy. This is because the Judeo-Christian God Yahveh Elohim’s powers and characteristics are a lot different than the other so-called polytheistic deities. In addition, Yahveh is the one true God and that the other deities do not exist.

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In addition, man is an imperfect being. It would be impossible for imperfect beings to create a perfect, all-powerful God. When creating something, man has a tendency to bring his own qualities to the things he creates. This is why humans are making robots look and function like humans. God does not have those qualities and is perfect in every way.

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The world is a complex place filled with wonders, and it is a wonder why it appeared out of nothing. Even the organisms that exist in this world are far too complex to just come into existence by happenstance. Those reasons alone are strong pieces of evidence of an all-powerful, eternal Creator.

If you have more questions on the existence of God, you may visit this website to learn more.

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